

This is the latest revision of my blog.

The v1 of this was run using Pelican, and the archived code can be found on Github. Originally it was running on a raspberry pi in my parent’s house, on a domain long gone.

The v2 of the website was created to learn Go and JavaScript. It is technically the first version of sudoscientist. The backend was written using go-chi, and the frontend was written using the React/Redux framework.

This is v3 of my blog, which is powered by Hugo, and uses a modified version of risotto as its theme. It has been extended to include forkawesome and some small cleanup. I made the decision to return to using a static site generator as I have mostly forgotten React/Redux. Along with this, using Go in multiple other projects, I do not feel like I need to run my blog with golang anymore.

The inspiration for this theming, and returning to a static site generator was in part due to the awesome community over at Ctrl-C. The tildeverse in general is a great reminder that minimalism is not only useful, but sometimes more fulfilling.

At a v3, I hope this time around I actually write some blog posts!

Connect with me

Matrix: @Asara:devvul.com

Email: Asara@devvul.com

IRC: Asara on OFTC/Libra/tilde.chat

Nostr npub: npub19hhggqd5zpmmddv9dvu2qq0ne5pn7f884v4dmku3llp4s44xaqzsl0vms7

Nostr nip-05: asara@devvul.com

Lightning Network

Lightning Address: asara@devvul.com

Pubkey: 0214b1f6b48998b9eb19d8a756af39a027202cecfe608450109465bbccf3bb74ed

Node: redwingxusk66wrrm4yyqyuyndvum4jsnloroxqmie6wv4wefadqgsqd.onion:9735

Asara’s personal blog